Vendor Registration

You are now registering as a Vendor for: Lake David Park 2025 on Saturday, April 26.

Read our Artist and Vendor Survival Guide for some tips on hosting a booth at our events.

This is the Vendor Registration page, for people and businesses selling either merchandise or food/beverages. Please use the Artist application if you sell mostly items that you created or designed.

What’s the difference between an Artist and a Vendor?

Both artists and vendors are technically “vendors” in the sense that they have a booth space in which they sell merchandise. The difference boils down to hw much of that merchandise they were personally responsible for creating.

Artists are defined as “vendors” who create 80% or more of what they sell. This could include keychains, stickers and prints of things they’ve personally drawn or created, either by themselves or as a group.

Vendors sell mostly resale items, such as things you can find online and in major retail stores, such as mass-produced and licensed items.

If you’re not sure what to register as, just ask! We will always give you the best rate for what’s fair. Typically we charge less for vendors who qualify as Artists, because it’s our way of promoting small local growth. The big conglomerate corporations get enough of our money and time as it is. AITP favors artists, and art comes in many forms!

Registration Details

UPDATE 2/17/25: All vendor spaces are currently full. You may still register to be added to the waiting list. We will update everyone after the payment deadline of March 28 if there are any available spaces.

Registration Fee: $60

Credit/debit payments accepted online. We will send you an invoice and make it easy. There are no hidden fees or extra costs. Please expect to pay for your rented space no later than April 19, 2025, which is one week before the event. Vendor dues go directly into event infrastructure and advertising. If you need to pay through another method, like PayPal, just let us know.

Booth Size: 10′ x 10′

Bring your own tent and supplies. NO STAKES. Must have 35lb weights on each tent leg.

If you’re bringing a 12′ x 12′ just let us know, and we should be able to accommodate.

If you want to bring anything larger than that, Contact us to see if we can find a way to make it work.


In addition to your booth space, you will be featured on our website and Instagram page. We will also be spending money on advertising to promote the event, and encouraging attendees to support the ecosystem of local businesses. This is a grassroots machine of high energy posting and detailed messaging. We will do everything in our power to promote you.


This is an application only, and approval is not guaranteed. We will let you know ASAP if you are selected and what the next steps are. Your time is valuable, and we respect the fact that you need to know ahead of time whether or not you will be tabling at our event. We anticipate having final approvals finished no later than the end of March, after which registration will be closed. Most approvals will be much sooner, especially if you’ve hosted a booth with us before.


These disclaimers are no substitute for reading our agreements, but for transparency and clarity, we’re going to list a few important things to know, so you can make an informed decision about your participation:

  • There will be loud bass music.
  • The event is outdoors, in the elements, rain or shine.
  • You are entirely responsible for your well-being.
  • There are no guarantees.


To host a booth at our event, you must agree to a few things. READ THESE CAREFULLY. They are important. Our agreements are:

1. The standard Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions, which apply to everyone.

2. The Artist & Vendor Exhibitor Space Terms, which apply specifically to artist and vendors.

3. The Rules, which apply to everyone.

Please read all three documents carefully. They outline clear expectations, and cover important things like liability and warranty. By participating in this event, you are waiving the right to sue Anime in the Park. You are entering into an agreement that does not include any warranty or guarantee. These are rain or shine events held outdoors under the elements. Please come prepared to protect yourself and your merchandise.

Age Requirements

You must be 18 or older to host a booth alone.

If you are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at all times, and fill out the Attendee form together, in addition to this one.


If you have any questions before registering, please reach out via the Contact page.

Registration Form

Phew, ok, finally! Here’s the actual form…

Contact Information

This information will NOT be posted publicly, and will be used only for Anime in the Park to communicate with you.

Let us know if you want to be placed next to a friend, or if you're planning to share a booth. Do you have any special requests? Let us know what you're thinking!

Artist/Brand Information

The following information will be posted publicly. Please enter your business name and information here.

Please let us know if you are a merchandise or food vendor. You must pick one or the other and sell products accordingly. Please do not sell food/beverages if sign up as a merchandise vendor.
If you are using any kind of heating elements or fire to cook with, we need to let the city know, and you will have to pass an inspection first.
Tell us about what you provide. For example, vintage comics, specialty food, etc.
You may upload an image of your business here, such as a logo or picture of your setup (max file size 2MB).

Terms of Agreement

To host a booth at our event, you must read and agree to the following documents:

Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions

Artist & Vendor Exhibitor Space Terms


If you are under 18, you must fill out our standard Attendee form in addition to this one: