Attendee Registration

You are now registering for: Lake David Park 2025 on Saturday, April 26.

This event is FREE and open to all ages.

If this is your first time at one of our events, feel free to read our Survival Guide for some tips on how to maximize your experience. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out via the Contact page and a real person will get back to you.


Please read our Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions before registering. You must agree to these terms in order to attend this event. This agreement includes many disclaimers and important details. Understand that by attending this event, you are accepting all risks and waiving the right to sue. As part of this agreement, you will need to follow some basic Rules.


These disclaimers are no substitute for reading our terms & conditions, but provide a quick overview of expectations:

  • There will be loud bass music.
  • Some content may be considered offensive.
  • There will be people running around in costumes.
  • This event is outdoors in a public park. We cannot control everything. There are inherit risks, which you accept full responsibility for. It is your responsibility to be safe and have a good time. We will do our part, but you must do yours.

Age Requirements

If you are under 18, then you must have the approval of a parent or guardian to attend.

Children under 13 require a parent or guardian present at all times.

Registration Form

Your data is safe with us. This information will not be shared with anyone outside of Anime in the Park staff. We use this information only to run the event, and will never spam your or sell your data. Read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Again, you must read and agree to these documents in order to attend:

Please enter your full legal name.
We will only use this email address for our records, or if you ask us to reach out to you.
Check this box if you want to receive email updates about upcoming events. We will not spam you! Our Privacy Policy can be found on our website at
Optional: you may provide a phone number if you want to give us permission to call or text you.
Let us know if would like any more information, or if you have some ideas to share. A real person will read these messages. We will use the email address and/or phone number you provided to keep the conversation going.
By checking this box, you are confirming that you have read, understood, and agree to the Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions, which can be found on our website at You are entering into an agreement based on these terms. Unless approved in writing by a representative of Anime in the Park, no alterations to this agreement shall be considered valid, regardless of when such alterations were added. You understand the assumption of risk, release of liability, and indemnification agreements within these terms, and that you are releasing legal rights. You understand that there are inherent risks at our events, and that by checking this box you are waiving the right to sue, and that you agree to all the terms & conditions set forth herein. Checking this box is equivalent to signing your name on this agreement, confirming that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms & conditions entirely.

If you are under the age of 18, then you are required to have a legal or parent guardian fill in this next section. If you are 18 or older, you may skip this part.

I certify and represent that I am the guardian or parent of the named party above, and on his or her, and my own behalf, have read the Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions and fully understand and voluntarily agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein. I understand that children under the age of 13 require a parent or guardian present at all times. I as the parent or guardian of my child give permission for him or her to participate in the Anime in the Park event.
Please enter your full legal name.
Please enter your contact information and any questions or concerns here. We will use this information to contact you in cases of emergency. You authorize Anime in the Park to share this information with police and EMS services if needed.