Panelist Registration

You are now registering as a panelist for: Lake David Park 2025 on Saturday, April 26.

Got an idea for a panel?

Pitch your idea here!

We’re opening up the stage to anyone who wants to bring something unique and fun to our event. The more interactive the better. Please understand that all entries are subject to review, and not all panel ideas will be accepted. We will do our best to make it happen though.

Contact Information

This information will NOT be posted publicly, and will be used only for Anime in the Park to communicate with you.

Panel Information

The following information will be posted publicly.

What are you calling your panel? This title will be used on the website, social media platforms, and more. Try to make it creative and fun!
Please describe your panel in detail. What's the overall idea? Will it be interactive? This description will be used for the public facing text.
Have you done this panel before? Are there any other requirements for this panel? What kind of safety precautions are you taking, if needed? This text is more about the nitty gritty details, and is optional.
Drop a link here if you have an online presence for your panel.
If you've hosted this panel before, feel free to upload an image here. Or upload a logo you want to use.

Terms of Agreement

To host a panel at our event, you must read and agree to the following documents:

Anime in the Park Terms & Conditions


If you are under 18, you must fill out our standard Attendee form in addition to this one: