Look, we want to keep this page really simple and to the point.
We have a lot of forms on this website for various purposes.
The information we collect will always be used for the specific purpose stated on each form. We will not spam you. We will never sell your data. We will do our best to protect the data you provide to us, but we can’t guarantee that it will be safe forever if our site gets hacked or something.
The data you provide to us is used to run our events.
We will explicitly state what information is private versus public. For example, if you’re an artist, you obviously want the world to know your artist name and social media links, but you probably don’t want everyone knowing your phone number. This is why on our forms, if we intake any information that we plan to post on our site and social media pages, we will explicitly tell you that this information is “public.”
We truly, honestly value your privacy. We’re not a giant company. We have no plans to go to the dark side and become evil. If you’ve attended our events, you will 100% understand what we’re about.
If you have any questions about how this data is used, or if you want us to remove anything from our site, please Contact us and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner.