So you’re going to Anime in the Park…
That’s awesome!
We want you to have a great time, and sometimes that means you’ll need to do a little planning and preparation. Not to worry though, we’ve made this part easy. There’s only a few key things to focus on, which we’ll break down here.
In short, there’s a few key items you will want to bring:
- Water
- Medications
- Food (especially if you have allergies)
- Lawn chair (for watching events and lounging around)
- Parasol and/or sunscreen
- Ear plugs
Drink lots of water.

Florida is hot. This event is outdoors under the sun. Please make sure you are drinking lots of water. Avoid sugary drinks and stuff with tons of caffeine, as they are both dehydrating.
Sun Protection
Wear a hat and put on sunscreen. Find a way to shelter yourself from prolonged exposure to the sun. Again, Florida is hot.
You may want to bring a parasol, or an umbrella for the sun. Maybe we could even call it a “sumbrella.”
We will have various shaded areas to hang out under.
Bring a lawn chair.
You can use that chair to watch events or just hang out. If you want to walk around, just prop it up somewhere near the stage and do your thing. Write your name on it first so it doesn’t get mixed up.
Bring any medications you may need, especially for allergies.
Eat enough food, and eat the right kind of food.
Pack a cooler if you have dietary restrictions or want more control over what you eat. Meal prep things that be eaten easily, such as pre-made sandwiches, wraps, salads, etc. Dry ice works well to keep things frozen, but be careful as it can burn. Ice melts, so make sure your food is stored in a water-tight container inside the cooler if you’re using ice. A great trick is to freeze water bottles instead of using ice… just make sure you pour a little water out before freezing. Those frozen bottles will still sweat, so keep your food in a dry container next to them.
Rain Plan
Have an idea of how you’re going to respond in case it rains.
Is your cosplay waterproof? Do you have a small trash bag or umbrella to use for cover? There might not always be enough time to run to shelter before getting soaked. Pay attention to weather patterns and have a plan for what to do in case of storms.
Ear Plugs
We play loud music. Well, not super loud, but if you want to dance around right in front of the speakers to feel the bass hit your face, then you should wear hearing protection.
Policies and Rules
You do need to read and agree to our Terms & Conditions, as well as our Rules.
You’re here to have fun, uplift others, and be uplifted.
Don’t sweat it too much. Just show up and be yourself. Anime in the Park is a weird little bubble of whatever. There’s no reason to overthink it. We’re here to have a good time, and you have a great support network. If you forget something, there’s stores nearby. If you feel unwell, let somebody know. We’re all here to support each other and hold it down for the day. Have fun!
See you at the next Anime in the Park!