Artist Registration

Now registering for: Anime in the Park – Lake David Park – April 20, 2024

This is the Artist Registration page. Please use the Vendor application if you sell mostly resale items and official product lines.

Update 3/23/24: We are full! But you can still register to go on the waiting list in case someone cancels.

Registration Fee: suggested $20 donation, due upon arrival

Booth Size: 10′ x 10′ (must bring your own tent and supplies)

You must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions below in order to be accepted.

AITP Exhibitor Space Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Read the Terms and Conditions online

Artist/Vendor Exhibitor Space Terms and Conditions

Anime in the Park provides space for artists and vendors to promote, display and sell their work. Applications for these exhibitor spaces can be found on the Registration page of our website, Each application is only valid for the specific event being applied for. To participate in future events, a new application is required. Specific terms and conditions may be found on the registration page for each unique event that may override or modulate the terms and conditions below. For example, some venues do not allow vending, and some venues may have different requirements for pop-up tents, activities, etc. Please read everything on the Registration page carefully before applying, as well as the terms and conditions here, which apply to all Anime in the Park events. The application for exhibit space at Anime in the Park (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), which will become a contract between Anime in the Park/Daniel Dodsworth (hereinafter referred to as “AITP” and/or “We”) and the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the “Exhibitor” and/or “You”), upon acceptance, is based on the terms set forth below and the plan of exhibits, rates, and rules and regulations may be established from time to time as set forth in updated and amended information, all of which constitute part of this contract. In any case where the Exhibitor Space Contract is amended, all other terms and conditions of this agreement remain in full force and effect.

Artists and Vendors. We define Vendors as merchants who mostly conduct resale in which they have personally made or designed 20% or less of their merchandise. We define Artists as merchants who have personally made or designed 80% or more of their merchandise. Please apply with the most appropriate registration form and contact us with any questions.

Registration and Acceptance. Registration does not guarantee acceptance. Confirmation emails are not the same as acceptance emails. Artists and Vendors who have been accepted will receive an email confirming their acceptance.

Reservation Fee. Before setting up your exhibitor space, you must pay the registration fee in cash. This payment can be made on the day of the event when you arrive. Reservation fees for each event can be found on the Registration page.

Equipment. Exhibitors must provide their own tents, canopies, tables, chairs, and display materials. Tents must have a 35lb weight on each leg for support.

Weather. Exhibitors must prepare for extreme weather conditions. Please have a plan in place to protect your merchandise if needed. AITP events are rain or shine, and we will not cancel based on a forecast of rain alone. AITP reserves the right to cancel an event before or during the event if weather conditions are deemed “Unsafe.” AITP determines the definition of Unsafe. There are no refunds, no transfer of funds and no rain dates if an event is cancelled due to act of God scenarios as mentioned above that make it unsafe.

Setup and Teardown. Exhibitors must arrive at least one hour before the marketplace opens to set up, and plan for at least one hour after to tear down. Marketplace hours may differ from the event hours.

Leave No Trace. Exhibitors must clean up their space before leaving and leave no trace of their presence. Please respect the venues and do your part to keep these parks clean!

Plagiarism and AI. AITP does not allow plagiarized work or images created by Artificial Intelligence to be promoted or sold at our events.

Behavior. Exhibitors will engage in professional behavior. Any exhibitor found to be aggressive, insulting or otherwise unprofessional will be asked to leave the event with no refunds.

Smoking. Smoking of any products, including Marijuana is not allowed in exhibitor tents or within the event public walkways. Smoking must be done outside the perimeter of the booths. If you don’t comply with the no smoking rule, you will be asked to leave with no refunds.

HOLD HARMLESS. Exhibitor agrees to assume all risk, and to indemnify and hold harmless AITP, Daniel Dodsworth, state and county governments, its Owners, their respective officials, subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, operators, officers, volunteers and employees, as well as any contractors hired by AITP (hereafter “the Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs, liability, expense or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with AITP’s use of the leased premises or arising out of any act or omission of AITP or any of AITP’s employees, agents, contractors, representatives, patrons, guests or invitees; excepting such claims, demands, defense costs, liability, expense, or damages arising out of the sole negligence of one or more of the Indemnified Parties.

RESPONSIBILITY. Exhibitor assumes responsibility and agrees to defend the Indemnified Parties from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs, liability, expense or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with AITP’s use of the leased premises. Neither AITP nor the Indemnified Parties will be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to Exhibitor, Exhibitor’s employees, or property from any cause whatsoever.

LIABILITY. Anyone visiting, viewing, or otherwise participating in Exhibitor’s exhibit is deemed to be the invitee or licensee of Exhibitor, rather than the invitee or licensee of AITP. AITP shall not be liable for any injury whatsoever to the persons conducting or otherwise participating in the conduct of Exhibitor’s exhibit or to invitees, licensees or guests of Exhibitor. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility for the actions of its agents, employees, or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority and agrees to hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes which arise because of the actions or omissions of its agents, employees, or independent contractors.

WARRANTY. There is no other agreement or warranty between Exhibitor and AITP except as set forth in this document. The rights of AITP under this contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized officer of AITP.


  • Selling and advertising is only allowed inside your rented space.
  • No smoking in the booths.
  • Do not sell anything illegal or break any laws.
  • No selling of live animals.
  • No loud music at your booth.
  • No subletting of booths.
  • No selling of food or water.
  • Collect taxes and comply with state/federal rules.
  • Tents must have a 35lb weight on each leg.
  • AITP reserves the right to remove anyone from the event.
  • Leave No Trace
  • Be nice and uplift each other!

Contact Information

This information will NOT be posted publicly, and will be used only for Anime in the Park to communicate with you.

Artist/Brand Information

The following information will be posted publicly. Please provide a pseudonym if you don't want your real name displayed.

Tell us about yourself and your art, and post any additional social links here.
You may upload an image of your artwork here (max file size 2MB).